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Second Open Consultation for FloriPEF-CR

The Technical Secretariat (TS), consisting of Royal FloraHolland, UnionFleurs, Floriculture Sustainability Initiative (FSI), MPS, Wageningen Economic Research, Blonk Milieu Advies, PRé Sustainability, Natuur&Milieu and GroentenFruit Huis, play a critical role in the development and creation of the FloriPEF-CR.

The FloriPEF-CR (Product Environmental Footprint Category Rules) is on track to become the new industry standard in footprint calculations. It is expected to be approved by the European Commission by the end of 2023.

The Technical Secretariat takes care of organising this process. They lead the discussion, prepare the documents and ensure stakeholder consultations within the sector. This is ensured through an Open Public Consultation. On 31 August 2021, the first Open Public Consultation was organised. The feedback received from this consultation contributed to the second draft of the FloriPEF-CR.

Second Open Public Consultation from 19 June to 17 July 2023

From 19 June 2023 to 17 July 2023, TS is organising a second Open Public Consultation. Here, stakeholders will once again have the opportunity to have a say in the development of the FloriPEFCR. This feedback will be used to update the second draft of the FloriPEF-CR.

You can give feedback using a format prepared for this purpose. This format can be requested by sending an e-mail to floripefcr@wur.nl with the subject ‘requesting files for the 2nd Public Consultation’. If this feedback is submitted before 17 July 2023, it will be included in the development of the FloriPEF-CR.

The HortiFootprint Calculator is a collaboration between MPS and LetsGrow.com. Our footprint calculations are already based on the FloriPEF-CR. We therefore support this initiative and would like to ask you to contribute to the development of this calculation method by providing feedback on the second draft. As a sector, let’s make sure that the FloriPEF-CR becomes the new European standard method by the end of 2023″.

For more information, please visit the website of the WUR.

We thank you in advance for your contribution!

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